Difference between revisions of "Benefits and costs"

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m (Cost and Benefits moved to Benefits and costs: better wording)
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Revision as of 01:50, 6 July 2006


  1. Will it cost more or less?
  2. How much it will cost to purchase/setup a technology for consultation process?
  3. What is cost to setup an infrastructure to run e-consultation?
  4. Do I need to go into training course or hire technical consultant to setup a technology?
  5. Is it single time service from technology provider?
  6. Are we investing in technology that can be use in future?
  7. What is the cost of setting up a website.
  8. What are the running costs of an e-consultation.
  9. What are the prices for the relevant software & hardware such as web-iq etc.
  10. I normally have a set budget...will e-consultation be a cost effective option?
    1. How long does it take to
      1. recruit - support staff? / participants
      2. Promote
      3. Translate the process to online
      4. Set up the technologies? (do I need approval?)
      5. How long should it run for?
      6. What other tasks?
  11. Lack of resources is a big concern for groups in entering any consulations. How much will it cost in terms of finance, personnel, expertise?
  12. What costs will I face in order to take part.
  13. What is any savings will i make.
  14. What sort of resources are needed to engage in E-consultations in terms of cost? Where can I find out this type of information?


  1. What are the benefits?
  2. What is benefit in doing e-consultation?
  3. Does technology investment is worth while for long term future?
  4. Do I need to use technical service from provider or setup my technology for consultation?
  5. What is benefit to participant on using technology in consultation?
  6. How my organisation will take advantage using technology in consultation?
  7. What are the benefits to my organisation in using e-technology?
  8. What are the benefits to me as a consultee of using e-consultation?
  9. How does engaging in E-consultation benefit me as a citizen? What are the benefits of using E-technologies over more traditional methods?