Time (***)
Can using E-technology reduce the time it takes to read documents and make submissions in consultations?
Cost (***)
What sort of resources are needed to engage in E-consultations in terms of cost? Where can I find out this type of information?
Engagement (***)
Many public consultations are a one-way process in terms of engagment - I make a submission and the authority does not reply to it - can e-technology be used to ensure that my views are being listened to? Is it reasonable to expect going into a consultation process the degree of influence my opinions will have on the final decision/policy outcome?
Case studies (***)
Where can I learn about engaging in E-consultation processes?
Participation ()
Is it possible to identify the degree or type of participation that I will have when I'm engaging in consultation? Should I expect to directly influence outcomes from the process? Can E-technology make the process more accountable and transparent for me? Can E-technology make participation in consultation easier to access?
Skills (**)
What skills or technical knowledge do I need in order to engage in E-consultation? Where can I get these skills/knowledge?
Usability (***)
Are technologies and software difficult to use? Will I need to have expertise of computers, etc. before I can engage in E-consultation? Where can I get easy to follow instructions on how to use the technologies? Where can I get a glossary of the technical terms involved?
Results (***)
Will E-technology allow me to monitor the results of the consultation in transparent way? Will it allow me to see what happened to my submission? Can I comment on the final decision that is taken?