
From E-Consultation Guide
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Welcome & Coffee
Introduction, Lecture Room
  • the promise
Achievements around the world, and why we started to look at e-consultation by John Morison
  • the reality
Consultation across Ireland, findings from questionnaires and focus groups. by Michael Murray
  • the possibilities
Summary of e-consultation technologies, matching them to consultation tasks. by David Newman
E-consultation technologies and experiences
Computer suite Lecture room Seminar room
11:30 Online dialogue.
Discussion forums, e-mail lists, and online chat.
Tax credit e-consultation in NI
by Patricia Donald, Advice NI
Lunch sitting 1
12:00 Measuring needs and opinions.
Online surveys.
E-consultation in the UK local e-democracy programme.
by Stephen Robinson, Bristol City Council.
Lunch sitting 2
12:30 Online writing.
Blogs, wikiwiki webs and group report writing.
E-consultation among young scots.
by Ella Smith, International Teledemocracy Centre, Napier University, Edinburgh.
Lunch sitting 3
Designing an e-consultation
13:00 Group A (using Web IQ) Group B (using Zing)
Conclusions, Lecture Room
14:15 Large scale e-consultation in America.
by Lars Hasselblad Torres, America Speaks, by video-conferencing.

After the formal end of the workshop, feel free to stay on to try out technologies, or to talk about your own consultations.

E-consultation technologies and experiences

Three sessions in the computer suite, giving hands-on experience on selected technologies, will run in parallel with three talks about experiences on e-consultation.Participants can switch between technical and experience sessions,or choose to take out one time slot for lunch.

Designing e-consultation

The final session takes participants through an agenda meeting on designing an e-consultation. This will make use of e-meeting tools: Web IQ in the computer suite and Zing in the lecture room. So it is simultaneously a session learning an e-consultation technology, but being used by participants to reflect on e-consultation.

The consultation topic can be chosen by participants who wish to run consultation later in the year. By focussing on particular cases, we can encourage participants to come up with concrete suggestions that will benefit both consulters and consultees.

Concluding plenary

Everyone comes back together to compare their experiences and identify:

  1. Possibilities for small-scale e-consultation experiments.
  2. Possibilities for e-consultation trials.
  3. What we, as researchers, can do to help practitioners make e-consultation practical.